In propagation by cuttings, the age and length of the cuttings, the rooting media, season, and the combination of shading and covering are crucial to their survival. 扦插繁殖的关键是插条年龄及长度、药剂品种与处理时间、扦插基质与季节、圃地荫棚与保暖设施的优化配套;
Secondly, the relation between longitudinal wave propagation velocity and resin-bonded stiffness of full length anchoring bolt is simulated. 然后模拟纵波在全长锚固锚杆内传播速度与树脂-围岩粘结刚度之间的关系;
The propagation delay will grow with increasing path length. 传输延迟也将随路径的延长而增大。
The mechanical conditions of joint propagation are determined by stress intensity factor and the length of damage and strain localization zone. 利用裂纹尖端的应力强度因子、损伤局部化区的长度确定了节理扩展和贯通的力学条件。
Wave propagation The phenomenon of forward and afterward propagation is analyzed, and queuing length is defined. 进一步分析了波的前向和后向传播现象,定义了排队长度。
The theoretical deduction shows that the critical stress of crack propagation and critical crack length deduced from nonlocal theory are much greater than those deduced from LEFM. 理论推导表明用非局部理论推导的裂纹扩展临界应力与临界裂纹长度都要比用线弹性断裂理论(LEFM)推导出来的大得多。
With the theory of equivalent inclusion and energy release rate, the propagation rate of short crack fatigue of matrix composite was derived. The effect of whisker and the plastic zone at the front of crack on propagation rate was considered with equivalent crack length. 利用等效夹杂理论及能量释放率导出了金属基复合材料短裂纹疲劳扩展速率,公式中考虑了晶须及裂纹前端塑性区对裂纹的影响,并给出了等效裂纹长度公式。
Short cracks propagation research: The degree of Microscopic structure influence to the fatigue crack propagation depends on crack length. 短裂纹扩展研究:微观组织结构对疲劳短裂纹扩展的影响程度取决于裂纹的长度。
The image impedance and wave propagation in the coupled meander line of length 4 are discussed, and an approximate formula for calculating the characteristic impedance of odd-even mode, Z, is given. 讨论了4偶合弯曲线的像阻抗和波的传播问题,并给出了奇偶模特性阻抗Zoe的近似计算公式。
An Initial Study on Twist Propagation Length of Rotor Spinning 转杯纺捻度传递长度的初步研究
That rock damage and defect will result in stress concentration or amplification. The theory on primary crack extension at distant place of blasting stress wave has been elaborated, and the model for estimating the crack propagation length which is based on rock damage has been presented. 提出岩石损伤与缺陷的存在,会产生应力集中或放大效应的依据,并阐述爆破应力波作用下远区原生裂纹扩展的理论分析,给出了基于岩石损伤的裂纹扩展长度估算模型。
On the other hand, rupture velocity from long-waves represents an average rupture propagation along the whole fault length. 而由长周期波所得到的破裂速度却反映了在整个断层上破裂传播的平均过程。
Based on the working principle of PIT and it combines with project practice for pile foundation test of Chinese highway, this paper discusses the propagation and velocity of strees wave in the pile length the count of the pile length the analysis and handling of text results. 本文根据PIT的工作原理,结合我国公路现场桩基检测的工程实践,对桩身中应力波的传播、波速和桩长的计算,测试结果的分析与处理进行了探讨。
The nonlinear relationships between the buckle propagation pressure and the length of the transition zone nnd the position parameter of the plastic hinge are derived using the energy principle. 过渡段长度以及塑性铰位置参数之间的非线性关系。
Bifurcation problem caused by propagation of stress in finite length bar subjected to axial impact 受轴向冲击有限长弹性直杆中应力波引起的分叉问题
The current research should be focused on as follows: ① For the dynamic ductile fracture, the crack propagation length should be predicted, so as to control the damage of pipeline. 研究结果表明,对于动态延性断裂的止裂,除了预测止裂韧性值,还应该预测裂纹扩展长度,以控制裂纹扩展造成的危害;
And in order to considering the effect of the micro-void in the epoxy asphalt on the fatigue crack propagation, a new concept, Equivalent Crack Length, was put forward. 同时还提出了当量裂缝长度的概念,以有效考虑环氧沥青混凝土中的微孔隙对疲劳裂缝扩展的影响。
The results show that the crack propagation is controlled and the fracture parameters such as fracture toughness, pre-critical propagation length and CTOD_c are greatly influenced by fibre volume fraction in RPC. 结果显示,RPC中掺入钢纤维后,其裂缝的扩展受到限制,而断裂韧度、裂缝尖端亚临界扩展量和裂缝尖端张开位移(CTODc)大大提高,韧性得到显著改善。
Many researches found that the complex Dielectric Parameters show a large fluctuation with the change of working wavelength; this will seriously affect the physical quantities such as Surface Plasmon propagation length. 物理实验研究发现,贵金属的复介电参数会随工作波长变化呈现出较大浮动,这对表面等离子体波传播长度等物理量的计算产生重要影响。
The dependence of distribution of longitudinal energy flux density, effective index, propagation length and mode area of the fundamental mode with longer propagation length supported by this waveguide on geometrical parameters and working wavelengths are discussed. 即分析了这种波导所支持的基模沿纵向的能流密度分布、有效折射率、传播长度和模式面积随几何参数和工作波长的变化关系。
The effective index, propagation length of the fundamental mode and the mode area can be adjusted by the geometric parameter as well as the working wavelength. 通过调整几何参数及工作波长,可以调节模式的有效折射率、传播长度和模式面积。
Cross-hole seismic has been applied in project extensively because of many advantages, such as multi-wave receiving, high accuracy, high resolution, short of energy propagation length, approach detecting object, avoiding low speed zones. 井间地震由于具有多波接收、高精度、高分辨率、能量传播距离短、接近探测目标、避开低速带等一系列优点,在工程中得到了越来越广泛的应用。
The effective index, propagation length and mode area of the fundamental mode can be changed with regulating the radius of circular air core, the lateral distance of the two rows cores as well as the longitudinal distance of two columns cores. 对中空圆洞的半径、上下两排圆洞圆心间横向距离和左右两列圆洞圆心间的纵向距离进行调节,模式的有效折射率、传播长度和模式面积也随之变化。
Based on mode analysis using finite element method, we present a detailed study of propagation dispersion relation, propagation length, mode field distribution of our proposed waveguide structure. 论文利用有限元的模式分析方法,详细地研究了该类型波导的SPP传播色散曲线、传播距离和传播模式场的分布情况。
Compared with the results calculated by means of fitting viscosity modulus, the causes of amplitude attenuation of laser-generated Rayleigh waves with increasing propagation length are analyzed in this paper. 与考虑粘性劲度系数的模拟结果相比较,分析了随传播距离增加,Rayleigh波振幅衰减的原因。
Compared with the argon gas atmosphere, the ultrasonic wave has a severe propagation in the arc space. Arc length and current are also the factors of the propagation of ultrasonic energy. 与氩气相比,超声在电弧中传播时其能量衰减更为严重,焊接电流与弧长均影响超声能量的衰减程度。
Raman amplification can completely compensate the fiber loss when the propagation distance is less than the effective fiber length of Raman amplification, can partially compensate the fiber loss when the propagation distance is more than the effective fiber length. 在传输光纤长度小于拉曼放大有效光纤长度情况下,拉曼放大能够完全补偿光纤损耗;在传输光纤长度大于拉曼放大有效光纤长度情况下,拉曼放大能够部分补偿光纤损耗。
Initial propagation strength, length of self-similar crack propagation, wing crack propagation length and general rule of fracture propagation are obtained from analysis of the images and data. 通过对各阶段图像与数据的分析得到了裂隙初裂强度、自相似扩展长度、翼裂纹扩展长度以及裂隙扩展的一般规律。
Moreover, compared with the MIM waveguides, MMIM can possess either better energy confinement or larger propagation length, which depends on the geometric parameters and the refractive index distribution. 另外,MMIM波导的光学性质取决于几何参数和芯层折射率分布。和MIM波导相比,MMIM波导可以实现更小的能量局域化尺度或者更大的传播长度。
By utilizing the unique property of antisymmetric TM mode in MIM structures and introducing nonlinear material as gain medium for optical parametric amplification, a significant enhancement ( 100%) of the propagation length has been demonstrated. 利用波导中反对称TM模的独特性质,并引入非线性材料作为光学参量放大的增益介质,导模的传输距离得到了较大的提升(100%)。